About Corri T

Hi! I’m Corri T! I’m a Mindset and Conscious Creation Coach and I’m here to guide and inspire you to create the happiest, most authentic and fulfilled version of yourself in your life and relationships.

I want to show you the HUMAN, mental-health friendly way of creating the life you want. I aim to help you understand yourself better, so that you can create from a place of grounded security, rather than need or lack.

I believe in the power of storytelling and I have experienced first hand how inspiring it is to see real life examples of healing, change and success. These stories always give us hope and help us see ‘If they could do it, I can too!’.

My qualification for this role as a coach is my experience, story and research. Through the many emotional challenges I have faced, I always told myself that one day I would use the lessons I gained to show other people a way through. So this is what I am doing now.

In 2015, I did a Ted X Talk in which I talked about how my perceptions of the anxiety disorder I used to suffer with, changed my whole experience of it. You can watch it below:

How It Started / My Story

I started making videos on YouTube to share the journey I went on while creating and building my relationship with my Specific Person (See video below for my story). While in separation from my partner, I went into a deep, dark search for myself, and like many people who come across the possibility of manifesting a specific person, my drive to find self love was actually coming from my desperation to get him back and some deep seated beliefs of ‘I’m not good enough’. It was a lonely and sad place to be and such a mentally unhealthy place to be too.

I did all the classic things I see so many people do. Obsessively looking at YouTube content, asking for reassurance, writing a million affirmations in the hope that my outer world would change… I cried A LOT and all of the content I was seeing made me feel like I was delusional. I felt stuck, confused and so sad.

The real change happened when I realised that manifesting my specific person was just the Universe’s way of directing me back to myself. To self love and to really understanding my worth and value. This is the journey so many of my clients find themselves on.

I took a big, hard look at the beliefs I had held about relationships in general, I explored confusing feelings that I’d never dared look at before, I did inner child work, I talked about it to my coach and a therapist and I released so much of the stuff that had been trapped within me for so long. I had really begun to heal and I started to see hope again. I was sick of being unhappy and made a commitment to myself that I would find a way to be happy with or without him.

When I truly understood that the world and my relationships were a reflection of what I was assuming and beliving, things began to change.

I started this journey so that I could manifest my specific person and guess what, I did it! But what I actually manifested was far more than just that. I began to heal, grow in confidence and create an entirely new life for myself in so many ways. My finance improved, my family relationships improved, my career improved and my whole view of myself and life!

My journey is on-going. I continue to learn, heal and explore new aspects of myself. My relationship has taught me a HUGE amount about myself. I am a completely different person to the one that started my YouTube channel.

My mission is to share my story in the hope that you can find yourself in it and so that YOU can become the most self loving, powerful, confident version of yourself at the same time as creating the life of your dreams.

Let’s make this happen!


DISCLAIMER: I am not a mental health professional. The content on my YouTube channel, website and in my sessions is made up of my opinions and life experience and is not a substitute for professional mental health advice.